Monthly Archives: December 2016

Launch of the Gavowen Ninja Wiki!

Hi all just a short note to say I’ve created a wiki! As the about page says, it’s to record info for my own use, but hopefully it’s useful for everyone out there.

Some pages are still placeholders, but there’s some meaty information in some sections, such as Samba, Docker, LEDE and some other bits and pieces.

I basically had a whole bunch of text files in folders on my computer and realised that I could spin up a wiki for no additional cost with my hosting provider, so converted all these little text snippets into a (semi)coherent wiki, along with some bigger guides that I’ve put up.

When I add something of note I’ll link to it from the blog. Over time I should build up a decent catalog of info. I wish I had this wiki years ago as there would be a lot more content on there by now, but better late than never!

Hopefully you find it useful. In any case check it out, and let me know in the comments if you did! (I may add commenting to the wiki eventually but am a bit wary of comment spam bots, which WordPress is great at filtering).